Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

It was a very merry Christmas in our house the morning of the 25th!  Trenton absolutely loved opening presents this year.  Not only did he open all of his, but he helped each person open their presents, too.  He had to make sure all tape and wrapping paper was completely off, and I mean completely.  If even the tiniest was left on the box, he'd say, "Ut-oh" and insist on getting it off.  His cozy coupe car and doctor's kit were among his favorites.  "Tools" (doctor utensils) are now carried around on a regular basis.  The thermometer has even joined "Hank" in his favorite toy category.  He must take that tool with him everywhere--store, bed, bath.  Of course, Hank still goes everywhere, too, but there are currently two items in hand.

 He's a chauffeur......
 A fisherman.........
 Baseball player........
A cashier.........
A doctor....... 
 Christmas lunch was prepared by Granna.  Trenton woke up from his nap with quite an appetite.  We take advantage of this these days!  He had turkey, green beans, kiwi, strawberry and a roll.  Yummy!
 After helping us open presents all morning, Trenton helped Aunt Jacquelyn and Uncle Brad open their presents. 

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