Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Service

We love the fact our church offers children services on Christmas Eve.  It sure makes it easier to bring a child there and not have to worry about the commotion or noises he or she makes.  We attended the early 3:00 service knowing Trenton would get an early nap in and still be ready for bed at 7:30.  Trenton's infamous words from the service were:
1."Yay!" (after every song, sermon, prayer, and just when it went quiet, of course)
2.  "What's that?" (when he heard a baby cry or another noise)

Our church also does a neat activity to involve the children in the service.  The children get to dress up as nativity characters.  The nursery and preschool age children were angels.  That is a more difficult attire to convince a boy to wear, even at the young age that he is.  We told him he was Buzz Lightyear and he graciously put the wings on.  The gown and halo were too much and was all we got on him this year.  He was the cutest angel there, of course!  :)  He walked down front when the angels were called with all his "toys" in hand to join Mary, Joesph, Baby Jesus, the wisemen and shepherds at the alter.  Paper, envelopes, and pens had been occupying his attention in the pew--anything when you are in church!

Afterwards, we visited with the Powell/Bickford family and Tucker/Hopkins family on the church's lawn.  The Grandparents and adults chatted while the boys climbed on the nativity figures set up out front.  It was nice to let them burn off some steam on the beautiful afternoon. 

We went to dinner after with Granna and Opa and then headed to bed, excited about Santa's arrival the next day.  You see, Dax our elf had been reporting to Santa about all Trenton's good (or naughty) behavior lately.  (Are you familiar with the Elf on the Shelf book?)  Although the elf was around last Christmas, of course, Trenton named him Dax this year.  It took several days for the name arise.  Trenton would just call him elf in the beginning, which unfortunately sounded like "ass"--oops!--so we really couldn't keep that. 

Another neat thing was that we found a 30 min. TV show titled the Elf on the Shelf, which we watched numerous times a day for the weeks leading up to Christmas. Trenton absolutely loved it!  Each time the Elf in the show, Chippey, would fall down or lose his flying magic, Trenton would instantly shout, "He's ok!" even before he would hit the ground.  He knew what was coming next.  That is another popular Trenton quote of this age.  He says it about himself all the time when he trips or purposely falls down to get your attention.  He likes to say it, and he will even ask you about if  you are ok if you cough or do anything he needs to check up on you with. 

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