Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our Bird Watcher

Trenton loves playing with Granna and Opa's binoculars.  Together, on the front or back porch, they search for birds and nests, and Trenton will tell you all about it.  He loves to talk about the birds and their nests and then how they eat.  His complete sentences amaze us all.  It was as if overnight he went from a few words at once to forming complete (and often times hysterical!) sentences that keep us all smiling.  Trenton also loves when Granna lets him help her fill the feeders.  They sure enjoy their house in the woods! 

 Trenton was funny because he would always bend his knees to look through the binoculars.  It was his bird watching stance. 
 They set up fort for the day's adventure outside. 
 "Where are the birds?" he would ask.  Then respond, "I know, I know.  They eat!"
He would stare in wonder at the woods in front of him.  You can't help but wonder what all he is thinking about.

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