Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tough Mudder

Mild, winter weather didn't describe this past weekend.  A bitter, cold front blew in with the high's, which had been in the 60's, maybe reaching 40 and the lows in the teens.  What a weekend for that!  Daddy and Mr. Hank had their "man weekend" running the Tough Mudder.  The four hour, 11 mile race was through ice water and fire, over ramps and under wire, across rings and ditches.  It was just about the craziest thing anyone could have done, especially the second weekend in February!  They said it took awhile to stop their teeth from chattering and warm their body back up to normal body temperature.  Nevertheless, they claim the Tough Mudder was fun and had a good time running it. 

 Looking tough before leaving for the race.
Trenton chills comfortably INDOORS and WARM with Opa.  If only he knew what he Daddy was up to!

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