Sunday, February 12, 2012


I'm not quite sure how or where it started, but Trenton likes to pretend he is a robot (or as he says, bebot.)  He walks and performs all motions stiff like a robot, so he obviously has seen one and grasps the concept of a robot.  The other place we have seen it with him is on one Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show.  Perhaps he is a quick learner, and of course, that doesn't surprise us because we think he is brilliant (leave it to parents and grandparents!)  One of his recent robot days was at Granna and Opa's house where he turns a trashcan upside down on his head and parades around being a "bebot."  It is funny to see and even more hilarious to hear him say.  Cute moments like these will not last forever so we have to cherish them!  We are definitely loving every moment of Trenton's exploration/learning stage of life!

 Here is where he tells us bebot will be right back.
Trenton Wagers---aka Bebot

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