Saturday, March 24, 2012

Generation Visit

We took our final trip before Baby #2 arrives to see Daddy's family in Franklin.  We were excited that Trenton was going to be able to visit his great grandparents who were down from Indiana.  The cousins had their usual fun together, and Trenton was extra delighted to play with his super hero cape Great Grandma had made. 

 Playing at GiGi and PaPaw's!
 Waffles for breakfast at Aunt Suzy's and Uncle Ryan's house.
 The ball was tons of fun for Trenton boy!
 What would we do without ipads?
 All three were dressed for bed as their favorite characters. Riley had on a princess nightgown, Trenton had on his Woody pajamas, and Chase wore Mickey Mouse.
 Trenton loved running around like superman.  We think he got the pose from Buzzlightyear on Toy Story because we never showed him.  He had his hands on those hips, lips pursed, and the stare of a real hero.  He would not take the cape off!
 Super Trenton!
 Flying around the yard!
 Then, the stance again!
 Wagon ride time!
 All the cousins together for their first picture and last picture as four.  Next time we see them, there will be a fifth to the bunch.
 A first, second, third, and fourth generation picture.
GiGi, Daddy, Great Grandma, Uncle Ryan

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