Monday, March 19, 2012

"I Help!"

"I help!" From laundry, to cooking, to even using the bathroom, we hear these words constantly.  It is funny when it comes out of the blue toward something that was done last week.  Trenton threw out the "I help!" one night after his bath.  Not knowing exactly what he was talking about, he grabbed his Handy Manny screw driver, made Daddy put the headlamp on his head, opened the kitchen cabinet sink, crawled on in and began to "work" on the drain.  Random--which made it even cuter!  Kevin had worked on the sink about a week ago when it was leaking and our little helper Trenton observed it all.  He'd hand Daddy the tools as they were needed and watch every move he made.  Guess it was Trenton's turn this night!      

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