Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

We planned to have our 2nd annual St. Patty's Day party in the park in our neighborhood.  Several families were coming over to join us, but unfortunately, we canceled the event not knowing if Trenton's hives from the end of the week were contagious.  Of course, once again, he seemed perfectly fine all day long.  Better safe than sorry.

Needless to say, we got out some of our party toys and let Trenton play with the green items in honor of St. Patrick's Day.  He liked that.  We also took him to nearby East Cobb park for a change in scenery.  Once we were back home, our next door neighbors saw us out playing and decided to join us.  They knew he had previously been sick, but we both felt whatever he had or reacted to was out of his system since he hadn't been on the benedryl all day and had had no hives.  (It is so hard to keep these best friends apart when they see or hear each other playing!)  They are truly best buds!

 Green bubble wands.....
 Green recorders.....(or flutes as Trenton calls them) 
 Climbing all by myself.
 At the top and looking down at us.
 Trenton braves the big boy slide.
 He I come!
 Boy was that fun!
 Time for slide racing with Daddy.
 They would race JoJo, another boy who befriended Trenton at the playground.
 Here is a better glance at the big boy slides Trenton now enjoys.
 Trenton goes down the twisty one now.
 The girl in front of him we think had a "crush" on Trenton.  She kept wanting him to follow her.
 Trenton caught eye of JoJo's Buzz Lightyear 4 wheeler and there was no keeping him off it!
 Back home with his best friend, Rylan.
 Trenton, Rylan, and his little brother Kellan.
Bye Rylan.....see you tomorrow!  (Aren't they precious together?!)

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