Saturday, April 28, 2012

Big Boy Bed

We moved Trenton into his big boy room this weekend.  He is very proud of this new event and is willing to show it off to just about anyone.  "My room.....," he shouts in glee as he guides you by the hand upstairs and into his big boy room. 

We decided not to do much with the room with the intentions of only staying in this house another year.  We kept the queen guest bed there for him and had a Toy Story blanket, which many of you know is a favorite movie for Trenton, already so decided it could replace the duvet.  We only added two toy pieces, his kitchen and a little book sling.  The closet is huge and empty practically so that became his fort.  He especially enjoys playing in there! 

So apparently I got everything backwards.  I thought the potty training would have been easier and the big boy bed transition would have been harder.  Why?  How do you keep an active child in a bed?  Playing might be more important than sleeping and it worried me because he had been the best sleeper ever!  Night one.  Trenton was fast asleep nestled between Woody and Buzz Lightyear within 30 mins of books.  He never tried to climb out.  My active child actually stayed still and fell sound asleep right away.  This was very promising!

Next night, same deal.  Trenton was out cold.  Loving this! 

It has been interesting to learn more about Trenton's sleeping habits. 
1.  He is not a big fan of pillows.  He likes his head smack dab on the mattress. 
2.  He has a hard time keeping the covers up. I frequently go in to cover him up because he room is cooler than others in the house and find him in a ball trying to stay warm.
3.  He is a wiggle worm!  My how we find .him in the cutest positions, and I need to say kudos to whoever created the toddler rails because without which our child would have been on the floor by now!

Woody and Buzzlight Year have made the transition great!
 Not this neat anymore, but there is a spot for books in Trenton's new room.  Trenton gets 2 books for bed and he loves picking them out! 
 A nice comfy chair for us to relax in while Trenton plays.
 The Trenton stool helps him climb up and down.
 This is only one view, but Trenton's closet is wall length and the floor is free for play space.
 Trenton climbs up to his bed immediately after we told him about his big boy room and big boy bed.  (We prepared him for the occasion by dressing him in his Woody pajamas.)
 He starts dragging pillows into his fort right away. 
 Nestled between Woody and Buzz, Trenton falls fast asleep.  1st night in big boy bed!
 2nd night in big boy bed.
Adorable when sleeping!!!!

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