Saturday, April 28, 2012

Touch a Truck

It was a warm Saturday at Touch a Truck, but well worth ever second there.  Alpharetta really put on a great production having so many exciting trucks for kids to explore and activities for them to partake in.  I'm still not sure whether climbing through trucks or jumping in the bounce houses was Trenton's favorite.  He loved it all!  It was fun to see Mommy's teaching friend Mrs. Brandi and her boys.  We had fabulous Saturday!

 Trenton already loves playing driver in Mommy's car, so this was right up his alley!
 Oh, and bikes are the coolest thing to this little guy.  How much fun to climb on one?!
 Firetrucks have all these awesome buttons and knobs.  What toddler doesn't enjoy pushing and pulling on these?
 Trenton really got into the bounce houses.  This one was an obstacle course.  He must have gone through it 10 times before it started getting crowded and Trenton felt trapped by the big kids. 
 Between the beams....
 Down the slide......
 And then a Popsicle to cool off!  It would be ridiculous not have an ice cream truck at Touch a Truck! :)
 The costume characters were fun to see.  Trenton loves giving hugs or high fives to each and every one of them. 
 Trenton and Jackson get goodie boxes from Two Men and a Truck moving company.
 Huge tires were fun to climb in.
The boys spotted the turf baseball fields.  There was no staying off.  Future little leaguers here, I'd say.  

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