Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Caterpillars, Ladybugs, and Crickets, Oh My! (Potty Training Day 3)

It was another naked day for us.  Luckily the weather has cooperated and we're been able to still play outside for lots of the day.  Trenton is beginning to understand the concept of telling you each time he has to use the bathroom.  The problem is he tells you as he he is peeing, but for #2 it is ahead of time....you just never know how much ahead of time it is.  We are typically successful by the 3rd or 4th attempt of sitting down on the potty and finally go.  He acts so proud of himself and he definitely can tell we are proud of him, too.  We still have a ways to go, but we are getting somewhere.

We have found a lot of creatures during our outdoor explorations.  From caterpillars (where Trenton stands still on the fence) to ladybugs that fly and land on you (arms flapping) to crickets hopping (where Trenton jumps around the yard), we have had a science lesson this week about the different types of insects outside.  Bugs can be fun and not all are ants that we need to stomp on.  Trenton also enjoyed getting out his bug box to use and collecting leaves for these insects. 

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