Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Playing with Berkeley & Day 4's Potty Training Progress

Aunt Jacquelyn had been in the hospital from a result of a minor fender-bender, so Berkeley was over at Granna and Opa's house when we went over there to play and spend the night.  (She is doing better now and back home thankfully!)  Trenton enjoyed his time with the dog.  He liked to cover her with monkey grass (she was a good sport) and walk her.  He calls her, Berks. 

And if you notice in the pictures, Trenton is clothed!  Yay, we have slightly progressed with the potty training!  SLIGHTLY is an important word.  Trenton has fewer accidents in a day, so we are now wearing clothes for much of the day.  Given, we still have accidents--not sure when those will stop completely--but he is learning to "hold it" and that helps.  We had two major accomplishments in my eyes this day. 
1.  We were able to drive and not wet ourselves/carseat--huge!
2.  We were able to wear shorts this afternoon and only have one accident.  (Of course, it was at the playground--oops!  It was a naked walk home.)  
We still have a ways to go. 

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