Saturday, April 7, 2012

MFUMC Egg Hunt

Our church had their annual Easter Egg Hunt this weekend and we enjoyed taking part in all the festivities.  From the hunt to hot dogs for lunch, we sure enjoyed our Easter Saturday with Granna and Opa. 
 Aren't they precious walking to the Easter Egg Hunt together? 
 My two handsome men!
 Mommy still holds Trenton while 8 months pregnant.  (There's always room for Trenton in her arms, even if she limits her carrying time these days!)
 Trenton takes it all in as the other children arrive to the church's park area.
 Oh, but when he spots the eggs in the grass, it is hard to hold him back.  Patience Trenton.
 Daddy even tries to distract Trenton with a shoulder ride, but Trenton still wants down.
 And the horn sounds.....he is off with an enormous smile across his face.......
What happened to that sweet smile, Trent?  Ut-oh the eggs are empty!
  He gets more frustrated as he finds and opens more eggs, learning all of them are empty. The church reuses eggs each year, so you get a goodie bag at the end in return for your basket of eggs. It is a great idea, but not to a toddler.
 Look at that pitiful face!  Try explaining to a 2 year old that all the eggs are empty and that is ok.  You get a goodie bag at the end, Trenton.
 Granna gets him calm again as we walk toward the pavilion.
 Then, Trenton receives his goodie bag of Easter treats when he turns in his empty eggs.
 There's that smile.....Trenton shows off his cool pencil and smarties candy from his bag. 
 Oh, and we spotted the Easter bunny just as we were leaving.  He loves characters!  Thanks "Pete" for the goodies! 
Finally, he crashed on the drive home.  It was a long hour for him at church apparently!

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