Sunday, April 22, 2012


It never fails.  Trenton is in SUCH a church routine.  I cannot emphasize that enough.  And Mommy loves routines because they go so smooth with him.  He gets out of the car asking for Granna and Opa knowing they go there too, walks calmly to church holding our hands, enters the nursery hall and plays with the bus searching for the chair if it is missing, props up his foot asking for his tag, runs down the hall to his classroom, smiles brightly and darts into the room at the sight of his teachers, sits at the table ready for his graham cracker and Sunday School.  All of which, of course, he initiates the pace.  (The adults go to church so that is all we know that happens during that hour.) Then, it continues once we pick him up.  Happy as can be, Trenton hugs his teachers good-bye.  We love how he isn't shy and is so loving with his hugs--he would hug anyone!  What a special quality from God!  With another graham cracker in hand, he joins us to leave.  We don't make it far because he rides the toys outside the nursery door.  Then we hit up the playground as we manuever our way back to the car.  It is funny how he never mentions the playground on the walk to church, but always asks for it afterward.  Of course we don't mind letting him play before leaving.  Church is exciting to this little 2 year old.   Why not let him associate it with all this fun?  We really aren't in hurry to get home either because Trenton typically falls asleep on the 10 minute drive home.  We transition him to his bed and he continues his nap for 3-4 hours worn out from the fun morning.    
 Trenton is tagged with his "In Training" sticker.  They take a potty break for these children halfway through class.  It is a 28 month and under classroom so I believe he is the only potty trained child currently in there. 
 He learned how to climb this part recently. 
 We need Daddy's help to climb this one.
Then, it is down the slide for Trenton!

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