Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kellan's 1st Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday, Kellan!  Living next door, we see the Millers on a regular basis.  Rylan is Trenton's best friend, and Kellan is the closest thing to a brother for him (as of now.)   Trenton has seen Kellan grow from a teeny baby to a toddling one year old.  He used to get a bit jealous when Mommy would hold Kellan and want to sit on my lap that instant, but that changed with time and now he is such a helper.  He brings toys to Kellan so he has something to play with and offers a hand to help him up when he falls.  It is really cute to see and is comforting to know he has this sweet, nurturing side.  He is going to be a great big brother!

Kellan was funny with his cake.  He didn't like it that much.
Trenton loved eating his pizza and juice in the fort.  He came up with this idea all on his own!
Rylan and Trenton play pretend in the fort. Rylan drives while Trenton is on the lookout for pirates.

 Trenton absolutely loved the telescope! 

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