Monday, April 16, 2012

Water Table Splashing!

With summer-like temperatures arriving in Georgia in March, we were able to pull out water toys in April.  However, this water table is a new addition, and it is funny how we acquired it.  We actually first got one for Trenton's friend's birthday.  But, while playing driver and climbing around in the car, Trenton discovered the recent purchase.  He seemed so  interested in playing with it, although it was only in a box.  Guess the kids on the front enticed him.  So, Mommy made another trip to Toys R Us to go get one for him to also have, and Daddy put it together over the weekend.  He was extra delighted to come home on a Monday afternoon and find this new, fascinating toy set up in his backyard for him.  He splashed the afternoon away!

Water is more fun when it is on you!

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