Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bennett Elijah Wagers

I might teach all girls, but I'm born to raise boys!  Bennett Elijah Wagers was born at 11:02 am June 2, 2012 at a healthy 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 in long.  For having to wait on his arrival for much of May, the delivery was faster than we ever imagined.  We were supposed to report to the hospital at 5 am but we received a phone call at 4:30 stating they were in transition from the night.  We could come in and sit in the waiting room until the room is ready or wait until a second phone call around 6 am.  We chose to wait in the comfort of our house.  So, Kevin and I enjoyed a neighborhood walk in the crisp (mid 50s) morning air.  It was so nice.  Then, Kevin prepared my final meal, eggs and toast.  Shortly after 6 the call came in that a room was ready for us at Kennestone.  Here is the day from there.

7:00 arrival at hospital
8:00 placed in room and begin IV
8:30 start pitocin drip
9:00 Dr. Street breaks my water (and it all starts to get crazy from here!)
9:15 Had already experienced 6 strong contractions and upon announcing to Kevin that I think I'm ready for an epidural and getting called a wuss (I lasted 2 hours without an epidural when my water was broken with Trenton), I tried to tough it out longer. 
9:20-Didn't really tough it out much longer.....already into the 3 contraction in the short 5 mins, I insist on the epidural NOW and Kevin calls the nurse
9:30 Nurse happens to be off the floor but trainee comes in and attempts to see if everything is aligned for the epidural as I wait in serious discomfort--let's say it like it is, PAIN!
9:45 Nurse is back but we are waiting for the anesthesiologist to finish up in another room. 
10:15 I get the epidural and am 7 cm.  (Typically a person progresses 1 cm/hr but obviously mine was happening much faster.)  Kevin calls my parents.  My mom was planning to be in the room with us for the birth after dropping Trenton off with GiGi and PaPaw who were driving into town that morning.  They drive over to our house to wait for Kevin's parents there.  It is closer to the hospital anyways.  Although I feel worn out from the contractions and just want to rest, the baby isn't taking everything so well.  The heart rate dropped and along with that my blood pressure was low.  (I felt fine--nothing like the first birth when the epidural was too high and I couldn't breathe.)  The nurses shot my IV with ephedrine and were flipping me from side to side trying to get the baby to cooperate.  This often happens when the baby descends at such a rapid pace.
10:45 Pitocin is stopped to take the stress off the baby.  The flipping and monitoring continues, and the nurse decides to check me again.   10 cm--I'm ready to push!  (The 3 final cm took less than 30 mins!)  They immediately call the Dr. Street and Kevin calls my parents who are on the road and tells them they should come straight to the hospital because we're about to have a baby.  There was no making it for my mom. 
10:55 We start pushing.  The baby's heart rate drops again.  To stir up contractions faster, the nurses shake my belly.  It works.  Another contraction comes and Dr. Street announces that we need to get this baby out.  I was determined, and.....
11:02 Bennett Elijah Wagers was born.  I later learned that Dr. Street either thought the cord was around the baby's neck or that the baby was sitting on it cutting off oxygen.  Thankfully, he was ok!

Thinking back, I'm glad it happened fast so that I didn't really have time to get scared.  Literally, it was one thing after another.  Once we were upstairs in the recovery room and it was only 1 in the afternoon, Kevin and I looked at each other like what are we supposed to do now for the rest of day.  We weren't prepared for a relaxing afternoon.  Bennett was chillin', we were notifying friends and family of our new bundle of joy and loving every moment!  What a blessing!

Mommy before leaving for the hospital with the bun still in the oven!
Baby out (as Trenton would say!)

Bennett Elijah Wagers- 7 lb 7 oz and 20 in

A proud Daddy!

A happy Mommy!
A proud big brother!
Trenton loved coming to visit us at the hospital and meet his new baby brother Bennett!
Trenton and Bennett
Granna and Opa with Bennett
Dr. Street with us.

Amy the nurse with us.
GiGi and Bennett
PaPaw with Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! So glad everything went well. Can't wait to meet the newest Wagers. :)
