Saturday, June 9, 2012

Celebrating 1 Week with Ice Cream

Bennett is one week old today! Let's celebrate....with Bruster's ice cream. Really, we all just wanted a sweet treat, and drug our sleeping baby along for the ride.  We figured it was about time he had a real outing besides the doctor's office.  You see, Trenton got accustomed to Brusters when Mommy was pregnant.  I still remember the Saturday I turned and asked Kevin if he wanted to go get ice cream at Brusters and Trenton looked at us and said, "Baby cone?"  It was obvious at that point that Trenton had been to Bruster before.  Kevin just laughed.  I mean, it was our special after school treat.  :)

We are still amazed at how easy Bennett is!  I mean really, does this happen?  I was scared to death of the exhaustion with two little kiddos, but Bennett makes me want a 3rd!  We hope his easy going personality sticks!

 Trenton wonders why the baby isn't eating any ice cream. 
There is a good thing about being under 40 inches......a free baby cone at Brusters!!!

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