Sunday, June 10, 2012


We are thankful to have such good friends.  One particular family is the Vasells.  Our boys are close in age and they have another boy on the way for Bennett.  Things couldn't have been planned any better and we are so excited to meet their littlest man this fall! 

On a rainy Sunday evening they brought us dinner and there was no better timing.  The boys had been couped up in the house all day long, so in between the heavy rain, we let them trot around splashing in puddles. Will and Trenton had the best time chasing each other.  Their smiles were classic!  Who knew puddles could be that much fun?!

 Will, Mrs. Angel, and Mr. Peter meet Bennett
 Trenton and Will chasing each other up and down the sidewalk in their adorable frog rain boots.
 If that isn't a dead give away of the fun, I don't know what is!
 Splash, splash, splash!  There was a big puddle at the base of our stairs but you can't see it too well here.
 Trenton waves bye to his good buddy Will. (A better shot of that puddle.)
Then comes the hug.  Gotta love the age!!!  See you again soon, Will!

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