Friday, June 29, 2012


I have never heard of a kid who asked to go to the dentist until Trenton. He had been asking since Tuesday, after he heard his Daddy went on Monday.  With an eager child, I called and was able to get him an appointment this week!  Woohoo!  That never happens!  Trenton talked about the dentist all week! 

Soon enough, Friday came along.  Dr. Howard and his staff were truly wonderful.  They obviously knew how to tend to the needs of kids.  The examine for under 3 year olds was in our laps.  Trenton leans back so that his shoulders and head rest on the doctor's thighs.  Then the kids open their mouths better and the doctor can check those pearly whites.  We knew Trenton had been experiencing pain with his 2 year old molars breaking through.  (hints the drool, finger chewing, random wake ups at night, fever, and Motrin!) so we were not surprised when he notified us that the bottoms had surfaced and were still coming in.  The top molars were still impacted, though.  Dr. Howard sang "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" as he gently tapped and counted each tooth.  He also flossed and wiped on a layer of fluoride over Trenton's teeth.  I was impressed with how cooperative, calm and patient Trenton was during all of this.  He really must have been intrigued by it all.  Dr. Howard recommended x-rays because I told him he has fallen several times in the past and that would give him a look at the roots.  All was good and Trenton loved how they told him the camera was Buzz Lightyear's laser!   No doubt he was thrilled to receive the goodie bag at the end of the visit.  What was his favorite item inside?  Not the toys or stickers, but the floss!  He was obsessed!  We had to open it in the office before leaving and he had to have all three from the sample pack.  He would be a good example for Mommy with his flossing habits!  All in all, it was a successful visit!  See you in March!

 Trenton enjoyed drawing on the chalkboard in the waiting room.
 Showing off his pearly whites and x-ray sticker after an encounter with Buzz Lightyear's laser.
And this is how you floss!  He loves to floss!

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