Friday, June 29, 2012

Aunt Carolyn Visits

Opa's sister came to visit this weekend.  We sure enjoyed seeing Aunt Carolyn, or as the younger generations call her, Aunt KK.  Trenton caught on to that name fast.  No surprise to any of us.  He is a talking fool.  It was a weekend full of introducing her to Bennett, homecooked meals by no other than Granna (yum-yum!), and exploring Marietta/nearby towns.  Trenton loved showing off his hobbies and Bennett enjoyed cuddling.  

 Aunt KK meets Bennett!
Looks like the brother-sister duo have their hands full with the two boys!
 Aunt KK's shift at the dinner table. It is easy to eat with this calm little one. 
Trenton convinced everyone to watch Wall-E, his new favorite movie about a robot. But, as you can see from his Buzz Lightyear pajamas, he has not given up on Toy Story.  He has merely added to his selection of choices.
 Aunt Carolyn with her niece and nephew, niece and nephew-in-law, and great nephews!
 Aunt Jacquelyn and Bennett watching TV.
Trenton and Granna completing puzzles.

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