Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First Doctor's Appointment

Bennett had his first doctor's appointment today.  Granna dropped Bennett and me off at the doctors since I'm not supposed to drive for 1-2 weeks, and she took Trenton on a hike at Kennesaw Mnt to kill time while we were there.  I love Kenmar Pediatrics!  The office staff is so welcoming and the nurse and doctors are perfect with kids.  They know us by name and were overjoyed to meet the newest Wagers boy.  It makes you feel confident in your doctor selection as a parent! 

Bennett was 7 lbs 2 oz, a healthy weight after the initial baby loss at the hospital and regain once the milk comes in, and he grew 1/2 and inch to 20 1/2 in long.  The rest of his check up was normal as well.  We feel blessed to have a healthy baby boy!
 Bennett ready for the doctor.
 He got an A+ from the doctor!
Unlike Trenton, Bennett actually likes the car seat position (so far) and stayed asleep for 2 hours in it once we got home.
Opa came to visit his boys when he finished up work that afternoon. 

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