Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Presents From the Heart

We just love Great Grandma's presents!  They are homemade and straight from the heart!  Not only did we get a quilt when we got married, but she always makes a unique quilt for each of her grandchildren when they are born with a special message sewn on the corner.  We were delighted to get a cute owl one for Bennett.  We know Bennett is going to use it often as he grows, but right now it sits on display on the bookcase in his nursery.  However, to Trenton he was not overly excited with Bennett's quilt, but the other item in the box.....a cape!  You see, when in Franklin, Trenton would wear Daddy's cape that Great Grandma made for him when he was a child.  He love it and now he has a special one all for himself (you'll have to share with Bennett when he gets older, Trenton!)  He zoomed around the house the night we opened the present and since then has worn in out and about in the neighborhood.  He is either Buzz or Superman in it depending on the day.  We will always think of you, Great Grandma, when we see the boys' quilts and this cape.  Thanks!
Front view--so fast it was hard to get good pictures.
Back view
Home from work and ready to hold his newest son!
Superman insisted on helping Daddy "fix" which means start the swing for baby Bennett.
Bennett loves the swing and it frees up our hands for Trenton-time! 
On to the next child...Trenton and Daddy play Superman in the family room.
Superman is flying!  So precious to see them playing together and the excitement on Trenton's face when his Daddy walks in the door from work.  Trenton absolutely adores his Daddy, and I know Bennett will, too!

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