Monday, June 11, 2012

Granna's Help

We enjoyed Granna taking some time off work to be with us as our family got accustomed to being a family of four.  Although this time was much easier and she didn't have to spend the night (Bennett is an awesome sleeper!) we did like her coming over each day to help out.  Most of her time was spent keeping Trenton busy since he's full of energy these days, but she was able to catch some Bennett time in between as Mommy and/or Opa ran around with Trenton.  Trenton's favorite activity right now is to be Buzz Lightyear and have you be Zurg.  Then, running around the park common grounds he's shoot his lasers at you.  If you haven't seen Toy Story I, II and III, you may want to freshen up your knowledge before coming in contact with Trenton.  He knows it all and is so imaginative with his play!

Rockin' away with Bennett.
Granna and her boys......Trenton has his Woody sippy cup and odds are one of the Toy Stories is playing.
Burping that boy!  He is a good, fast burper.....compared to Trenton who took forever to burp!
Love Bennett's little arms.  They are consistently up and in various positions. 

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