Thursday, June 14, 2012

Elmo PJs

Thursday we brought Bennett to Granna and Opa's house for the first time.  We spent most of the day on the front porch enjoying the weather and letting Trenton play outside.   Little does Bennett know the fun he is going to have at this place down the road!  We didn't plan to stay until bath time, but since Daddy had a work function after work, we thought we might as well get our bedtime routine all taken care of while there are 3 adults to 2 kids.  :)  Trenton saw these Elmo pajamas and there was no turning back.  Who cares that they are a year too small, right?!  He squeezed his little body into them and he is also wearing tennis shoes from this winter that are too small but he insisted.  There's no arguing with a 2 yr old over something silly like this. :) 
Although it isn't the best photo, I just had to snap a quick shot of Trenton in his ridiculously way-too-small attire!

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