Friday, June 1, 2012

June 2nd It Is!!

I just can't believe the time is officially here!  Unsure if I'd go early, each day/night was a waiting game.  Kevin kids around that he had to charge his toothbrush four times in preparation of his hospital bag and kept thinking I'd wake him in the night with, "Honey, it's time!" but it never came.  Sorry to disappoint you, babe!  So somehow, here we stand surpassing all expectations of not even making it to Memorial Day with a scheduled induction tomorrow morning, June 2nd.   From the get-go, I was told by the doctor she would not let me go past 39 wks to avoid a c-section.  The time has come.  I'm 39 wks, and after no change at this week's appointment, the big day is hours away!  Kevin and I will report to the hospital at 5 am tomorrow and will have exciting news to share sometime during the day.   I am thankful for the last few weeks of fetal development and for making it through the entire school year.  Thanks for all your prayers!  Wish us luck as we enter this new and exciting time in our lives!

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