Saturday, June 30, 2012

Patriotic Parade & Pizza Pool Party

We had streamers.  We had balloons.  We had flags and lots to wear.  This years parade before the neighborhood pool party was going to be even more fun with two kids!  We didn't spend too much time decking out the stroller this year; Trenton's trike needed it all he said.  :)

Trenton helped Mommy decorate his trike for the parade.
Trenton and Daddy ready for the parade.  Trenton kept saying, "Let's go!"  We were taking long getting ready apparently.
Sunglasses first...............
Then a hat.............Bennett is such a good sport letting Mommy put whatever on him. :)
We came down with the Smiths.  Makena and Bennett were going to ride together in the stroller for the parade. 
Mommy, Bennett, Trenton and Daddy ready for the parade.
All the kids lined up at the starting line for the Patriotic Parade! Kendall, Cona (the dog), Makena, Bennett, Madeleine, Trenton, Maddox
Rounding the corner and heading back to the pool.
The airplane raft was lots of fun!

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