Monday, July 2, 2012

Bennett 1 Month

Bennett, Bennett, Bennett....I cannot believe already a month has gone by!  It really seems like yesterday we were ready to have this baby and now here we are a month in.  So far, so good for Bennett's first month.  He is such an easy baby, and I mean EASY!  We thought Trenton was easy, but didn't truly know what easy was until Bennett came along.  I guess it is that 2nd child syndrome, but he just goes right along with whatever is going on.  Guess you have to, but he never once gave us issues with it.  (Knock on wood!)  We love this part of his personality!

He probably weighs just under 11 pounds.  We don't technically know his weight (you go back at 2 months for shots) but we stopped by the doctor when he was 2 1/2 weeks old for a blocked tear duct and he was already over 9 lbs then.  He appears to put on the weight a bit more quickly than Trenton, but still looks very much like his older brother.  Bennett may just be heavier boned. 

Other things from Bennett's first month.....
1.  He sleeps on his stomach.  Our pediatrician is fine with that and Trenton slept so well on his stomach that we decided to attempt it when Bennett was 3 wks old.  It was a success! 
2.  He sleep for 3-5 hr increments.  5 hrs some times pushes me to the limit and I have to pump a little in the middle of the night to releive the pressure, but it is great!
3.  He had a blocked tear duct around 2 weeks so we did drops at first and then massages.  (I was bad about the massage but somehow it hasn't flared up again so maybe it is gone??)
4.  He graduated from newborn to size 1 diapers about halfway through the month.
5.  He went to church for the first time around 4 weeks and lasted through the serman fine.

Bennett, you can't already be getting bored with this?  Mommy is going to be taking pictures your whole life!
 Trenton must have felt left out because he asked for his stickers and put them all over himself.  Then, he notified me that he wanted his picture taken, too.  He got on the floor just like Bennett!  :)
 Whoa, Trenton looks long compared to Bennett!
 Trenton found Bennett's future toy basket and began playing with the toys.
I wonder if he remembers good ol' frog?  They spent many days together.  I remember Trenton's getting his little hand into it and stuck and on several occasions accidentally banging himself in the head with the toy.
 Here is a soft baseball rattle, to which Trenton threw it across the room.
 Bennett, did you make this mess?  No, it was my big brother, I promise!
And here is the proof! 

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