Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Have you heard of BYB Matinee?  It's every mom's dream!  Bring your baby to the matinee allows you to go to a movie and not have to find a sitter.  The theatre keeps the lights dimmed and adjust the sound to the liking of the audience.  It takes place the first Tuesday of every month at noon at Parkway Pointe near us.  For July it was Rock of Ages.  (I missed What to Expect When You are Expecting last month when Bennett was 3 days old!)  Mommy and a neighbor Kristen enjoyed bringing Bennett and Makena to see it.  We claim it is their first date, chaperoned of course!  :)  Bennett slept but Makena was awake for most of it. She just stared around amazed at the lights around her.  I was even able to nurse during the show.  There were about a dozen other moms and their babies at the show.  Some grandmas and dads were with their wives, too.  To my surprise all the babies were really good.  You never really mind squeals or short cry outs, but there was never an episode of long crying.  Looking forward to future BYB Matinee outings!

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