Thursday, July 5, 2012


Who knew toddlers could lift bowling balls?  Who knew there were size 6 bowling shoes?  Who knew a 2 year old could bowl?  We didn't until we tried, but now Trenton has found a fun indoor activity for the summer heat.  AMF bowling alleys have a summer program you can registers kids for that allows them to bowl free every day of the summer.  You just pay for shoe rental.  We enrolled Trenton and were surprise that children that young could successfully bowl.  We definitely thought he would need our help, but after a couple times, Trenton insisted on bowling all by himself.  The ramp provided energy for the ball to travel down the alley.  Trenton was a great bowler!  Although he never rolled a strike, he didn't have any gutter balls either.  Gotta love bumpers!  We look forward to more summer outings in this air conditioned building!

I think this reminds Trenton of the claw on Toy Story.
And the aracade was just as fun!

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