Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Great American Family Picnic

Our 4th of July was spent in Atlanta this year, not on the houseboat.  Bennett was only a month old and the 4th fell on a Wednesday, smack dab in the middle of Kevin's busy time.  Typically on the years were are here in Atlanta, we run the Peachtree Roadrace downtown.  However, we were not able to do that this year.  (Mommy is not supposed to workout quite yet after giving birth.)  So, our morning was spent enjoying pancakes with red, white, and blue toppings.  Trenton loves pancakes, but was not a fan of the powdered sugar since he usually just has his with butter (not even syrup.)  I had to wipe his off because his response was, "Hey, what's this?"  (Which to those who knows him translates that to I don't want that on it!)

Later in the day, we went to the pool with some Gardenside friends.  Bennett even went down there for about an hour in the stroller and was parked in the shade napping. As usual, the kids enjoyed playing together.  We really have made some nice friends in the neighborhood and Trenton has kids to play with regularly.  That is one of our favorite parts of where we live.  Bennett will have the same, too, because there are several new babies in 2012. 

After a brief episode of pop-up thunderstorms during the boys naps, we joined Granna and Opa and our good family friends the Scarbroughs/Schappelers at our church for 4th of July festivities.  This was the best location for our active toddlers.  There was plenty of room for the children to run around safely and lots were reserved so that you didn't have to get out in the heat real early in the day to save a spot for the fireworks.  Trenton and Erich loved watching the older kids play and then attempting all the toys they had used.  From hula hooping to trak ball catching, it intrigued their little minds.  The trails through the church park's grounds were nice and shady as well.  If Trenton wasn't running pretending to be Buzz Lightyear, he was going on a hike with his flashlight.  We were glad that the weather became more overcast after the storms because it made the park experience more enjoyable.

The fireworks were late and the boys had started to display their exhaustion.  We kept them sane through sparklers, flashlights and glue necklaces.  Our church is off of the Marietta Square, so Marietta's fireworks are shot from the church's parking lot.  It seemed that they were brighter and louder than usual, but maybe that it was all in our head.  Trenton and Erich liked the show, as did Bennett (he never flinched or woke up.)  We covered their ears as much as possible for protection.  1. Because Bennett was so little 2. We weren't sure if it would startle Trenton and Erich. I will say Trenton started to lose some interested during the last few minutes.  The displays are long these days!  Nevertheless, it was beautiful!  

Traffic always occurs leaving the shows.  For Granna, Opa, and Trenton it was worse than us.  Trenton went to spend the night with them that night and his lively comments in the car kept them in hysterics.  Here were just a few of instances:

1.  Car comes close trying to squeeze in when Granna is stopped in traffic.  Granna tells the truck to please not do this, and Trenton repeats it loud and clear out the window to the truck driver.

2.  They approach brake lights ahead.  Trenton says, "Oh no, not again!" to the traffic.

3.  They come across a construction area.  Opa, Granna and Trenton discuss what type of vehicle it is.  Trenton says, "I don't know." to the random yellow machine.  "Digger?"

Obviously he is right there with you in conversation these days.  To hear it yourself and to be caught off guard by some of his sentences keeps us all smiling! 

 It is all about the presentation.  :)
 Trenton watching and learning from the older kids.
 He liked all the games and activities!
Hula Hooping......................
 Dinner break
 Bennett played musical arms and loved every moment of it!
 God Bless America!
I'm so glad he lets me do this to him still!  I get some of the cutest pictures from this little man!
 Our little picnic spot.
Granna and GiGi swap grandkids.
Bennett and Trenton relaxing on the blanket.
 Both Erich and Trenton and Daddy wait to do sparklers as it approaches dark.
Erich's daddy helped him.
 Wow Trenton, look at you!  Way to be safe!
 Going on a night hike with Mommy......we're killing time.....getting close to 9:30!
 Closer........Trenton points to where the lanterns float through the sky.  The fireworks are about to begin!
Still waiting.............then they start! 

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