Monday, July 23, 2012


With the heat of the summer and a brand new baby brother, we knew Trenton needed an indoor activity this July.  So, we enrolled him in a parent-tot gymnastics class for the month.  We go each Monday.  Overall he likes it and adores his teacher Ms. Nicki.  But, I will say we have a lot to learn as for how to act in a class.  He isn't bad, he is just all over the place running around and doing the activities he wants when he wants.  Initially, he listens to the directions.  Go sit on the green crayon.  Find a spot on the yellow circle.  However, before Ms. Nicki can demonstrate the obstacle course events for the day, he is up and going testing out sections of it.  It must be the age because he is not the only one like that.  Still, we have to learn to listen and wait and SIT! 

Week 1 
 He definitely has a teacher for a mom.  He is the only kid doing the Itsy Bitsy Spider motions along with the adults.  He likes songs!
 Roll time with Ms. Nicki
This is when the class is over with the bubbles and balls, but Trenton wants to do the bars.  Meltdown!
 After class we played in the Open Play arena to burn our leftover steam.  Trenton did well jumping into the foam pit and climbing out himself.  Thank goodness--Bennett was in the sling on me, so I wasn't any help.

Week 2-No pictures sorry! But Superman on the bars was his favorite!

Week 3
Bar tucks with Ms. Nicki
 Double bar tricks now
 Back rolls
 Trying them on my own
 The entire class was impressed when Trenton hopped right up on the beam and walked across it all on his own!  No hands anymore!  He did it several times showing off!
 Pay close attention.  My child is the blurry one.  Just sit still for the parachute game of Ring Around the Rosie, Trent! 
We love the fact that we are inside for all this fun!  It is indoors, cool, blocked off to the public, and there is teacher assistance for certain obstacles.  Mommy can easily have Bennett with us in the mai tie and Trenton is strong and mature enough to do lots without help.  For those reasons, gymnastics class is worth it!  Nevertheless, it is a bit embarassing when he is across the room playing Buzz Lightyear or he pulls out a card that is his pretend hello (cell phone) and talks on it mid-course before putting it back in his pocket while the the rest of the class and teacher are doing the activity at hand.  We will learn. :)

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