Sunday, July 22, 2012


After church today, Bennett was wide awake (from sleeping during the sermon.)  Trenton enjoyed playing with him before we invited his friend Rylan over. 
 Bennett chillin' on the sofa.  This is his little corner so he can see outside or any action his brother may be doing.
Trenton joins Bennett on the couch for his snack. 
 Trenton always makes Bennett smile. 
 He has a cute crooked smile at times.
 The first picture cracks me up because Bennett is probably thinking, "What the heck is my brother doing?" 
 A big ol' smile from our Bennett boy!
 Trenton and Rylan draw and play with stickers.
 Then they played hangman on the floor......just scribbling really.
Bennett naps on Daddy while the older boys play.

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