Friday, July 20, 2012

Hugs and Kisses

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my two boys together!  From the minute Trenton wakes, he asks about Baby.  Most of the time, Baby is what he calls him, although he is so cute when he says Bennett.  He has to see where the baby is sleeping immediately before going down stairs.  He is also very protective of his of his little brother.  When we left the houseboat last weekend, GiGi was holding Bennett.  Trenton went up to her as everyone was hugging for good-byes and grabbing Bennett by the hand said, "I need him."  He was worried we were going to leave Bennett!  So precious!  It is obvious Trenton is obsessed with his little brother!  He loves him so much and you can tell Bennett loves him back already by the way he responds and looks at Trenton.   Trenton often says to us, "Baby loves me!" then laughs in excitement.  Yes, Trenton, you are correct, Bennett does love you!

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