Monday, July 9, 2012

Impressive Nights!

Bennett has been sleeping 5 hour stretches pretty regularly for the last couple weeks, but he caught me off guard the past couple of nights.  Saturday he slept 6 hours and Sunday he went 7!  I was not prepared for this jump to occur so soon.  I am not complaining, that's for sure, just impressed with the stretch he is capable of after just turning 5 wks.  Trenton did not do this long stretch quite as early, yet he was still a good sleeper.  Then again, Trenton was also a little toot and needing frequent feedings to gain weight adequately.  After the long stretch of sleeping for Bennett, he typically gets back on the 3 hr pattern.  So our night usually goes like this...

9:30 feeding and down
3:30/4:30 middle of the night feeding
6:30/7:30 morning feeding, but back down for both of us
9:30 up again, and waits a bit for next feeding

Not too shabby!  This schedule works nicely since Trenton is sleeping in until around 9 these days.  Also, it allows me to get some extra zzz's which are needed because bedtime for Trenton is later than it used to be.

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