Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If You are Happy and You Know It....Smile!

There might not be pearly whites quite yet, but Bennett has learned to smile!  His first official smile in response to something (beside milk, gas and dreams!) was to his big brother Trenton as he got down in his face to tell him, "How doey?" (How do you do?.....usually while shaking your hand.) one morning.  Bennett just opened that mouth and showed his love right back.  I tried to capture that moment, but of course, the flash on my phone forced those eyes closed and gave him a startled look without the smile.  The smiling moments continued with our maid, us, GiGi, all of which I could never get a picture of...I was so bummed!  Then, finally a couple days after his first smile, I was able to capture that adorable grin!
That's no roar, that my smile!

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