We met our friends the Bishops at North Pointe Mall to play. Will is halfway between Trenton and Bennett. It is (and will be even more!) fun seeing them all grow together. I see how Trenton helps Will by making sure he doesn't wander off and then shows him how things work. I'm sure Will will be just as kind to Bennett when he is older and take care of him. That, or the two boys will gang up on the little guy....just kidding, not with our little sweeties! :)
Two cleaver mommy tricks were learned this outing that I don't want to forget.
1. Chick-fil-a's milk containers don't have to be opened by pulling the aluminum foil off the top. Just poke a hole in it and stick the straw in. Vwala....instant spill-proof sippy cup! (Brillant, Steph!)
2. Tell your wandering kid, "Huh, I can't hear you." Then, they come back to you to tell you what they were saying. (An accidentally learned trick! Love it!) Really works with a talkative kid like, Trenton! :)
Trenton loved climbing on the foam playground. These are the best additions to malls since we were kids! And, the interactive floor wasn't too shabby either.
Of course, we couldn't pass up the Disney Store. Trenton managed to work his magic and came out with a new toy. Taking pictures is a fun thing for him, so I got him a Mickey camera. He liked showing Will how to use it. Sharing has become much easier for Trenton. Yay!!! Poor Bennett, strapped in his carseat again. Just along for the ride. :) He is such an easy, happy baby and that is why we can do all this! Thank you, Bennett!