Friday, August 31, 2012

North Pointe Mall

We met our friends the Bishops at North Pointe Mall to play.  Will is halfway between Trenton and Bennett.  It is (and will be even more!) fun seeing them all grow together.  I see how Trenton helps Will by making sure he doesn't wander off and then shows him how things work.  I'm sure Will will be just as kind to Bennett when he is older and take care of him.  That, or the two boys will gang up on the little guy....just kidding, not with our little sweeties!  :)

Two cleaver mommy tricks were learned this outing that I don't want to forget. 
1.  Chick-fil-a's milk containers don't have to be opened by pulling the aluminum foil off the top.  Just poke a hole in it and stick the straw in.  Vwala....instant spill-proof sippy cup! (Brillant, Steph!)
2.  Tell your wandering kid, "Huh, I can't hear you."  Then, they come back to you to tell you what they were saying.  (An accidentally learned trick!  Love it!)  Really works with a talkative kid like, Trenton!  :) 
Trenton loved climbing on the foam playground.  These are the best additions to malls since we were kids!  And, the interactive floor wasn't too shabby either.   
Of course, we couldn't pass up the Disney Store.  Trenton managed to work his magic and came out with a new toy.  Taking pictures is a fun thing for him, so I got him a Mickey camera.  He liked showing Will how to use it.  Sharing has become much easier for Trenton.  Yay!!!  Poor Bennett, strapped in his carseat again.  Just along for the ride.  :)  He is such an easy, happy baby and that is why we can do all this!  Thank you, Bennett!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I stopped by Brumby with Bennett to visit a few co-workers.  It was a short visit.  The beginning of the school year is so fun as you meet all your students and set the tone for the fun year ahead.  But, I felt so blessed to have this time off with my boys and I wouldn't trade it for the world!  However, missing my girl friends is the worst part!  That is why we have girls night!!  Looking forward to the 19th ladies!!!
I think Bennett likes Miss Brittany!  Look at that gaze!  Flirting at only 2 months, ha!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Catch Air

We love Catch Air, especially since the big kids are back at school!  It is hard for 2 year olds to hold their ground and not get knocked around with the big guys.  Now they have free reign of the city's activities!   Plus, Catch Air is pefect for a baby who polietly sits and sleeps or watches the other children play.  Mommy can even fit into some of the play equiptment with Bennett in the bjorn.  Double fun!
 Trenton likes the rotating, swinging balls, but we can never hold on to them to spin. 
 Our new fun turned into laying flat and having the balls swing over you. 
 Someday, pumpkin......                                         The enormous racing slide is always a blast!
 Then, there is the bounce house...........                He enjoys climbing the rope ladder to the top. 
 Then, sliding down the fast slide.                             And running as fast as he can to do it all again! 
This merry-go-round is more like it.  He's king of the merry-go-round without the big kids taking over!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Zoo With Rutkowskis

 We had an enjoyable trip to the zoo with the Rutkowskis.  The best part was school was back in session and it was not crowded at all!  Trenton and Carter were best buds, entertaining themselves, while the moms got to visit.  Poor William and Bennett were stuck in the strollers listening to us.  I don't think they minded.  :)
Trenton is obsessed with reading maps.  First stop, rhinos! 
 Trenton the lion!                
 We even got to see the elephants being fed lettuce! 
Snack time with Willie B. and brushing the sheep with Mrs. Agie and Carter!
 Bennett enjoyed his friend William, although this is how they pretty much stayed for the visit. Haha!
Trenton, of course, loved running around with Carter!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

Sundays are get it done days.  Church in the morning.  Naps in the afternoon.  We typically try to accomplish some task that has been needing to get done during the day.  Daddy mowed the lawn and Mommy went through clothes while the boys napped.  Once the boys wake, we play and have dinner. Pretty simple around this neck of the woods.
 Bennett supervises as I dig through Trenton's tubs of clothes figuring out which pieces Bennett could wear.  (He woke a little earlier and I was in the knee deep in a task.) 
 We had dinner at the Schappeler's house tonight.  The boys played and played and played before and after dinner tiring themselves out.
Trenton has Woody.
Erich has Woody. Then, the boys decided Bennett needed Woody. 
Somehow in the midst of the loud, crazy boys Bennett can get in a catnap.  That ought to be nice!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Crazy Boys

Trenton and Will were actively playing outside.  Typical.  Then, they decided to make sand beards.  Who knows where the idea came from?!  Gross, nothing like sand in the mouth, but they kept doing it amusing themselves and their parents.  Boys will be boys.

Houseboat Vacay

We always have the best time aboard GiGi and PaPaw's houseboat on Center Hill Lake!
 Let's go fishing!!!! 
 Dang this fishing line!  It always tangles!  Opa can relate to you, Trenton! 
 Little Huckleberry Finn.
 Bennett, you will tube one day with your big brother! For now, it is just a resting spot.
 Little baby in a big chair.  He's our sweet baby boy! 
 Cruising around on Center Hill Lake.
 All the grandchildren. Hutch 8 months, Chase 3 1/2, Riley 5, Bennett 2 months, Trenton 2 1/2
 From oldest to youngest.
 And the brothers who started it all.
 Trenton and Chase play tubing atop the houseboat while we float.
We beached the boat at sunset on a gorgeous night.
 Panty Raid....Uncle Rylan got the kids to wear underwear on their heads and run into the living room to surprise Kevin.  Uncle Ryan and Kevin's favorite movies (please don't judge them for this!) are:
1.  North Shore
2.  Three Amigos
3.  Revenge of the Nerds
The movies are the talk (and laugh!) of the houseboat because they constantly quote and joke about one of the three.
Daddy helps Trenton get on skis for the first time!
GiGi is back at the boat with Bennett.
Daddy and Trenton drag together. 
This is how Daddy first learned to ski.  Get used to the water and skis initially.  Not bad for a 2 yr old!
Chase and Bennett are 9 months apart and now doing so much of the same thing.
 Kneeboarding.....really bodyboarding to Trenton!
 Bennett is really reaching for things these days.
 And then he catches the turtle by the head.  Good job!  Now just to pull the frog for noise....some day!
 Trenton's tricks.....
 and more tricks.
 Getting situated for the relaxing cruise to Hurricane.
 You have to entertain yourself somehow when the cousins go home.   
 Bennett gets comfortable on Daddy's shoulder.
 We're pretty comfy, too. 
 Trenton's thumbs up is his pointer finger up.  Hilarious!
 He LOVES surfing with Daddy!!!  And driving PaPaw's boat isn't too shabby either.  :)