Saturday, August 18, 2012

Houseboat Vacay

We always have the best time aboard GiGi and PaPaw's houseboat on Center Hill Lake!
 Let's go fishing!!!! 
 Dang this fishing line!  It always tangles!  Opa can relate to you, Trenton! 
 Little Huckleberry Finn.
 Bennett, you will tube one day with your big brother! For now, it is just a resting spot.
 Little baby in a big chair.  He's our sweet baby boy! 
 Cruising around on Center Hill Lake.
 All the grandchildren. Hutch 8 months, Chase 3 1/2, Riley 5, Bennett 2 months, Trenton 2 1/2
 From oldest to youngest.
 And the brothers who started it all.
 Trenton and Chase play tubing atop the houseboat while we float.
We beached the boat at sunset on a gorgeous night.
 Panty Raid....Uncle Rylan got the kids to wear underwear on their heads and run into the living room to surprise Kevin.  Uncle Ryan and Kevin's favorite movies (please don't judge them for this!) are:
1.  North Shore
2.  Three Amigos
3.  Revenge of the Nerds
The movies are the talk (and laugh!) of the houseboat because they constantly quote and joke about one of the three.
Daddy helps Trenton get on skis for the first time!
GiGi is back at the boat with Bennett.
Daddy and Trenton drag together. 
This is how Daddy first learned to ski.  Get used to the water and skis initially.  Not bad for a 2 yr old!
Chase and Bennett are 9 months apart and now doing so much of the same thing.
 Kneeboarding.....really bodyboarding to Trenton!
 Bennett is really reaching for things these days.
 And then he catches the turtle by the head.  Good job!  Now just to pull the frog for noise....some day!
 Trenton's tricks.....
 and more tricks.
 Getting situated for the relaxing cruise to Hurricane.
 You have to entertain yourself somehow when the cousins go home.   
 Bennett gets comfortable on Daddy's shoulder.
 We're pretty comfy, too. 
 Trenton's thumbs up is his pointer finger up.  Hilarious!
 He LOVES surfing with Daddy!!!  And driving PaPaw's boat isn't too shabby either.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. any little girls panties going spare I collect them, prefer non washed I love sniffing them
