Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ft Morgan Day 4: Fishing and Beach

The guys woke early this morning for a chartered fishing trip.  After, the joined the women and children at the house for beach time.  Trenton had a blast playing with Daddy in the waves today.  We played games again in the evening. 
 Sun through the morning sky.
 Kevin and Opa ready to catch a big one.
 Because we were near Pensacola, the blue angels were training over them fishing. 
Catching dinner.
 Back in the ocean.
The waves were fun!  Way to jump high, Trent! 
 Trenton and Daddy
The sand was equally as fun as the waves.
Some even would knock Trenton down, but he loved it!  Of course Daddy would make sure we don't lose that hat! 
 Emily, Trenton, Kevin, Opa on the shore
 Aunt Mimi and Granna back at the house babysitting.
Trenton enjoyed his new pirate ship toy.  Bennett watches him play. 
Trenton is on Kim's team for gin.  We still have to teach that
 you don't show your opponent your cards.

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