Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ft. Morgan Day 5: Body Surfing, Lulu's and kites!

We took a family walk on the beach this morning.  Once we got down there, we learned that the waves were huge from the rainy mix in the air.  It just sprinkled and was overcast for most of the day, but something had been stirred up.  The adults and older kids enjoyed boogie boarding and body surfing on the waves but there wasn't too much a toddler could do.  Trenton definitely stayed close to the shore or in our arms this day.

That evening we dined out at Lulu's and had fun playing with all their activities.  It was the perfect place for kids!  Then, Granna brought out the kite and we enjoyed an evening on the beach as the sunset.  It was nice!
 Ready for our morning walk.   So glad Daddy and Trenton could join us today!
Kelsey helps with Bennett at the house while we take Trenton to the beach. 
Fruities, or smoothies as we call them, are the best snacks on the go.  He won't even put it down for the picture!
 Trenton and Granna take a walk on the beach while the adults and older kids play in the waves. 
 Kevin body surfing.
 Jay ready to catch a big one!
 Ashley's turn to ride!
 It was misting a lot of the morning but it didn't matter because the waves were soaking us anyways!
Ashley, Emily and Kevin fight the waves back out to ride them in.
 Kim took a wild boogie board ride!
 Kevin looks like he's about to crash into Jay.
 Trenton really wanted to play too but it wasn't safe.  He took a few splashes at this level.  His response was always, "Here comes the waves.  Close your eyes."  Guess we had told him that one too many times! 
 Mommy, look at us!  We are out in the big waves!
 I think he's had enough beach for one day!
 Time to cuddle with Granna and get warm!  He liked watching us at this point.
 Having fun and being kids again!
Mommy even got out there to ride the waves!  We look like wet puppy dogs, but it was lots of fun!
Jimmy Buffett's sister has a restaurant in Gulfshores.  It is very touristy, but fun!
You have to get your seafood fix when at the beach! Here is our entire Leskoven/Wagers/Madden crew!
Granna and Trenton
Granna, Trenton, Bennett and Opa
Granna and Bennett and Opa content at the table while Trenton runs to play.
Just relaxing before dinner, although he looks like he just ate! :)
Oh, and maybe getting sleepy.
Lulu's overlooked the water and had a beautiful marina on one side.
Water splashing.............               Tree house climbing...............
Sand piling...............     Cornhole tossing...............
Volleyball playing.............
It was every kids dream (and parents because you got to eat a meal in peace!)  Then, we were back at the house to fly a kite in the evening air. 
 It was the perfect night for flying kites, too! 

He got such a kick out of the kite, especially when he flew it all by himselft!
Mommy and Trenton having fun!
The girls played Buzz Lightyear on the beach with Trenton!
Daddy, Mommy, Trenton and Opa (Granna went back to the house because Bennett was asleep.)
The Madden Family 5

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