Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ft Morgan Day 1: Family Time at the Beach

For years we have talked about meeting our Texas family on the gulf coast for a beach vacation.  This year, it finally happened!  We were thrilled for my mom's sister's family to meet us at Fort Morgan Beach near Gulfshores, Alabama for a week of fun.  This was the first time Bennett was introduced to this crew, so that was especially meaningful to us.  Trenton was in heaven having three older girls to play with, as was mommy because they were so helpful with both boys. 
Texas was a bit further of a drive so everyone had to wait until the next day to meet the latest Wagers boy and they sure were excited when Bennett woke the following morning.  Emily, Jay and Ashley pose with Bennett boy!
Always an arm to hold Bennett!  He was one lucky baby this trip!  Aunt Mimi splashes with Trenton as we first arrive on the beach.
Kelsey was Trenton's big time playmate--on and off the beach.  She was so sweet to him.
Hands were often full of sand....until he was joyfully tossing it around in excitement!

Bennett joined us on the beach the first day.  Lots of laps for the little guy, but that bright sun and heat made this his first and last mid-day experience at the beach this year.  We decided to stick to the inside for him where we didn't have to worry about him getting burned, too hot, sunscreen rubbing onto him/in his eyes, or even where to lay him for his nap.
Barbies come with the territory with girls.  Trenton liked playing with Ken.
But this is what he did to him.  :)
Our three tents set up in a diagonal to shade all the people. 
Granna and her grandkids.
Mommy with Bennett napping on her. 
Then, he was transferred to the pallet.  (We soon took him up to the house.  He just couldn't get a good nap in and 2 month infants need their sleep!)
 The shade was so nice!
Two bulldawgs!

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