Monday, August 6, 2012

Ft Morgan D ay 2: Early Out There

There is nothing like sleeping with a baby in your room, or at least for me.  When they start making noises or even slightly moving, Mrs. Light Sleeper Me is up.  Bennett was in my room this trip.  Upon Bennett stirring--not crying--just moving that head from side to side in a restless-I-might-want-to-get-up-soon kind of sleep--I picked him up.  I was anxious to get him up and down to the beach for an early morning walk where I knew he could be outside.  I learned yesterday that 2 month babies and beaches do not go hand in hand and it might be simply easier for him to remain at the house during the daytime hours.  We had enough people luckily for shifts with Granna and Opa and the Texas family vacationing with us. 

It was so peaceful getting our walk in before the sun fully rose above the horizon.  It was definitely light out when we left, but being the smart mom I am, I planned the stroll perfectly, walking towards the sunrise so that soon after it peaked over the shore/house line, I could turn around putting Bennett back in the shade because my body blocked the sunlight.  We could get a longer walk in this way.  My plan worked!  An hour later we arrived back to Sandy Lane with an awake house, but it wasn't long until we (minus the Bennett and plus the Trenton) were back down to the beach.

Part of the family stayed at the beach house while others went down for the typically 8ish morning coffee walk.  Trenton explained that he wanted to walk to with everyone and the girls were going down, too.  He usually wants to go where ever they go.  Being the naive mother I am, I dressed him in his t-shirt and shorts and we went down to the beach thinking he really wanted to walk....on the sand.  Sure, a little playing in the sand was bound to take place but he insisted he did not want to wear his swimsuit and he did not want to get in the water.  Initially, they had a blast just digging trenches, building sandcastles, filling buckets.  But, of course, the girls had swimsuits on.  Needless to say, our walk, turned into swimming and jumping in the waves.  (Camera down as I had to wade in the water with Trenton.)  Two hours later Trenton, dripping wet, was stripped down to his underwear--complete redneck style--as we trotted back to the beach house tired out from play.  It didn't help that he happened to be wearing Braves underwear and a University of Georgia hat!  Yes, we are from the south and proud of it, so stop with the giggles and stares! :)

Trenton and I had lunch, napped and never made it back to the beach that day.  He was all about playing in the house!  He loved the place and I got to enjoy some Bennett-time!
Trenton loves to lay with the baby.  Bennett enjoys staring into his big brother's eyes as Trenton talks to him.
 Trenton tries on Uncle PaPa's hat
 Then he thinks Kim's is more stylish!                          On the the beach we go! 
 Granna and Trenton excited for the walk on the beach!
 Sand toys are the best!
 Filling up the buckets (or watering cans in this case) from the ocean was fun! 
They used the water to build sandcastles.
 Trenton truly enjoyed digging and having the older girls there to help him make his sand masterpiece.

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