Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lauren's 3rd Birthday

Parents, remember when your Saturdays used to be spent sleeping in and relaxing?  Not anymore.  The activity starts from the get go.  We had a 9:00 birthday party at the park this Saturday.  I have to say, it was perfect...overcast, not too hot or sunny.  Just the way you like it with little ones.  We had fun!
Lauren had a cinnamon roll cake.  Trenton liked it if you can't tell.  He tried the fork, but eventually gave up when he realized he wanted to eat every last crumb. 
The newest Siders' babies.  Liz's mom has her baby (Liam), Liz is holding Allison's baby (Sean), I have Bennett, and Amy has her boy Jace.  Sean, Liam and Bennett were born within a few weeks of each other.
The bjorn is a lifesavor!  However, Bennett sleeps just as good in your arms, too!  He's my snuggle puppy!
Who doesn't dig in to the party favors immediately?  Then, Trenton was ready to fly his parachute man from the playground. 
The party had ended by this point, but he still wanted to play.  Trenton is known for walking up to random kids to play with them.  I'd say we have a rather shy child!  Haha!  I think the mask and glove attracted him to the boy who owned these toys.  His newly acquired friend was kind enough to share. 
 We never even knew the boy's name.  Kevin and I just watched from a distance as Trenton chased the older child around the playground.  It lasted at least 30 mins.  Cool age.

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