Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bennett-3 Months

Bennett turned 3 months!  He is such a blessing to our family.  He has brought so much joy to us and has brought us back to those innocent baby stages.  Trenton interacts more and more with him and commonly recites, "Baby can't do that. (about something) I'll teach him later."  And you know he will!  

Bennett continues down the path of growing at a steady rate. A week before turning 3 months he weighed 13 lbs 15 oz.  By now, he should be 14 lbs.  He is more in the 50-75% for weight, height, and head circumference.  Although most of the time I think he looks identical to Trenton as a baby, I believe he has this unique appearance that is beginning to differentiate him from his older brother.  I just can't pinpoint it yet.  He remains such an easy baby to have and you can read him like a book.  His wake period is usually an hour to an hour and half and he is such a terrific sleeper!  He sleeps in until about 7:30/8 (yes, I still have to get up at night to feed him, though), naps 1-2 hr nap in the morning, takes another hour nap late morning, naps a long 2-3 hour afternoon nap (at the same time as Trenton--oh yeah!  Momma planned that!), then catnaps a 30 min one before heading off to bed 7/7:30

Here are some things about him at 3 months because I know I will forget:
1. He has blue eyes, which should remain, and has developed the best comb over and mullet ever!
2. He craves bed at 7:00
3. He went on his first prescription, amoxicillon, for a stuffy nose mid month.
4.  He beams in excitement when playing patticake or Momma sings to him at bath time.
5.  He sports size 3 diapers, which are a bit big, but work.

 A little smile and  little talk.... 
 Such serious looks at times.
 Fist pumpin' as a baby!
Here is how I compare to my big brother!

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