Sunday, September 2, 2012


It might be 2 on 1 during the day, but we pretty much play man on man coverage at our house on nights and weekends.  Nevertheless, whenever I mention the store, Trenton jumps at the chance.  I'd like to say it is because I'm his favorite, but we all know the real reason.  He associates the store with driving the cart (which is a car) and receiving a cookie.  Can you tell we often go grocery shopping?  But, on some occassions it is elsewhere.  This day, it was Walgreens.  Small store, right?  So here is how our trip went.  I had a photo order to pick up, but wanted to glanced at the clearance isle. Lots of outdoor and pool toys were discoutned and I knew we'd probably see something that would be fun to have.  As I browsed the selection, Trenton continued to talk to me.  No surprise.  However, I turn around to find an empty isle but the voice of my little man.   Follow pictures..... 
 Took me a second, but then I spotted him inside the shelf!
 Here is a better look. 
This was his entrance. Life is always an adventure with a 2 year old! 

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