Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fun

Halloween is not just about one costume but many.  The quarterback and the football were our play ones.  We went to Catch Air, an indoor play arena, which had a Halloween party, and we needed to dress up.  It was easy to play in these clothes.  We also were Gnomeo from the movie Gnomeo and Juliet, and popcorn for a neighborhood Halloween party and actual trick or treating.  And poor Bennett had to be a little pumpkin for a cute fall picture.  Trenton had fun decorating for Halloween.  We decided to put faces on the pumpkin this year and they turned out so nice.  Trenton had fun with it because he could do it if I pointed wear to stick the pieces.  It was a successful craft!  He also had fun cutting.  Just cutting.  He loves it.  While I made Bennett's costume, he cut away at who knows what.
We came home and put sticky faces on our pumpkins.
 Then finished making outfit number 2 for Bennett.  Trenton was my helper.   He likes cutting these days.

 I got this idea from Pinterest.  It turned out perfect! (Too bad no one told me the hat was pushing Bennett's ears out!)
 Me and Bennett with Jaren and Kellan
 Trenton got into the food fast.  He loved the pumpkin cookie on the stick.
 Emily with Caleb and me with Bennett
 The Warner's Halloween party is the best!  John makes a gazillion homemade treats.  This is only a tenth of it!
 Rylan, Shaylan (a new 5 year old in the hood), Maddox, Kendall, Trenton and Milo
 The neighborhood kids start their rounds.
Concluding the night. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Leaves, Leaves Falling Down

Falling on the ground
Red and Yellow
Orange and Brown
Leaves are falling down

Trenton made a book at Ms. Buckler's house with those words sung to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat and he had leaves to throw on the ground to practice his counting.  So, we went outside this morning and played in the leaves while singing.  Trenton enjoyed burying Bennett. 

 He's giving Bennett a kiss here.  Trenton is always so sweet to his little brother.  Melts my heart.

Monday, October 29, 2012

If you are wondering why I haven't been posting updates

I am not pregnant again.  Apparently the last time there was a big pause in my blog, it was because I was nauseous from being pregnant.  My friend brought that to my attention when she told me she knew I must have been pregnant--it was before we started telling people. :)   The reason is I had used up all my free google picture space.  Go figure, I didn't realize that could happen!  I was contemplating options of transferring sites or creating a new family blog under Kevin's email, all of which sounded like just too much work!  But, have no fear, I decided to simply upgrade my account and I purchased more space.  Seems easiest of everyone.  The blog address will not change.  Now, if you just bear with me as I try to catch up on almost 2 months worth of events and pictures.  Ahhh!


What a cutie!  I just love his rolls and big old grin! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bennett's Baptism

Bennett Elijah Wagers was baptized this Sunday at Marietta First United Methodist Church by Dr. Sam Matthews.  We were blessed to have some of our close friends and family there for the occasion.  After the service, Granna helped us throw a little luncheon.  Although we thought we would be able to play outside and let the little kids run around the park or playground, the cold, misty morning had another idea.  Nevertheless, Trenton and Erich found the indoor gymnasium across the hall from the banquet room and entertained themselves.  Thanks you everyone for making this event so memorable! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hiking Kennesaw Mountain

There's nothing quite like hiking in the fall.  The cooler temps and colorful foliage make it absolutely beautiful.  We were glad to take GiGi and PaPaw on this hike with us.  Of course, we didn't bring Trenton's pack because he typically likes to walk.  But the minute you do that, he wants to be carried.  He got a ride on PaPaw and Daddy's shoulders (or their arms) for most of the hike, and they got in an even better workout than they ever imagined.  However, Trenton sure had enough energy to climb and run around when we came to sections with boulders.  Isn't that ironic?  I will say, he did fall asleep almost immediately when we started our descend down the mountain so he really was serious when he told us he was tired.  We both carried sleeping children down the mile hike.