Sunday, October 21, 2012

Perdido Nights

Our nights were spent crabbing and hanging around the condo.  They had a special birthday cake for me one night.  We all enjoyed that sweet treat!
 Flashlights and nets......we're beach bound looking for crabs!
 Trenton learned his flashlight was also a whistle.  We then had some music during our crabbing.  (And if you are wondering why our child is pantless, it is not because we're Georgia rednecks!  He can't stand if he clothes get wet!  One little splash and off they came.) 
 The kids enjoyed seeing the bucket each time we captured new ones.
 There's no escaping our trap little crab!
 Our night was a success!
 Birthday wishes and cake
Trenton likes to squeeze your cheeks together and say, "Chubby Cheeks!"  Guess we did that one too many times to him growing up.
 Then comes my precious hug!
He got sick right before we left for the beach so had to do nebby everyday.  Do you see him twirling his hair?  This is Trenton's trademark for "I'm tired."

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