Monday, October 8, 2012

Sir Trenton the Knight

Have you ever seen the Little Einsteins?  There is an episode of the Good Knight and the Bad Knight.  What about Mike the Knight?  These are just two of Trenton's current obsessions with shows.  He is in a big knight phase.  I should correct myself, HUGE knight phase.  It is cute, and lucky for us Halloween is right around the corner and the Dollar Tree has adorable knight costumes.  Trenton intimidatingly prances around the house or yard in his armor, and practically anything these days becomes a sword so you can sword fight.  Needless to say, we have found the theme for his 3rd birthday party, "Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  Sir Trenton is Turning 3!"  Yes, it is still a few months away.  Once a planner, always a planner.....Mommy has a one track mind and gets a move on things early.  She is not a procrastinator, that's for sure! 

Sir Trenton guards his castle and rescues the princess (Mommy, of course!) from the tower!  (He also enjoys the movie Tangled!)

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