Monday, October 8, 2012

Who Needs Sleep?

Trenton is entering a stage where he can last longer in the day without naps.  Or, so he thinks.  Then, he decides he isn't quite ready for to sleep at bedtime.  Somehow.  And, it is kind of impossible to keep a toddler in his bed when it isn't a crib.  We hear him playing in his room and attempt the sleep thing again and again.  Often this week, we have found that he has fallen asleep on the floor blocking the door from opening because he had been playing by the door.  Yet, he obviously needs his sleep. 

It's 10 in the morning.  Mommy put Bennett to sleep and started a load of laundry.  The downstairs was awfully quiet for Little Einsteins to have ended.  Lookie what I found.
Trenton sound asleep in the upright position.  A thirty minute catnap sure helped him this day! It still amazes us that when he does fall asleep, his nap is 3-4 hours.  Just never wants to stop all the playing fun.  :)

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