Friday, November 2, 2012

Bennett 5 Months

Bennett is 16 lbs 6 oz putting him in the 46-47 percentile for weight and height.  His head, however, 95%.  The Wagers boys have brains, that's all I'm saying, and hats 2 years in advance. Haha!  Bennett continues to look so much like Trenton did at this stage.  The difference?  A little lighter hair color and more of a fuzzy spike.  Here's what B has been up to this month.

1.  He relearned how to drink a bottle.  (Time got away from us and he hadn't had a bottle in two months.  Then, he wouldn't take it.  Oops.) He takes 4 oz each feeding, getting about 24 oz a day.
2. He started eating cereal.  It's only about 5 bites now and really runny but it's a start.
3.  He went his first 11-12 hr stretch at night.  It didn't last long and we are back to his typical 3 am feeding. (But, he's going as long as T did.  Problem is B goes to bed so early at 6!)
4.  He rolls over in the middle of the night from his stomach to his back.  He decides to have a little playdate with himself.  Then, he can't get back over to his stomach so I end up flipping him about an hour later back to his belly when he starts getting frustrated and hollering. 
5. He loves to pull the cow attached to his car seat.

 Let's see.  How much of my hands can I get into my mouth?
 Balancing is still a work in progress.
 But he's still a cutie with a little fuzz on top!
 And a cooing, belly-laughing, smiling dude!
Who is beginning to get curious and into mischief?  It's off with the sticker! 

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